These objectives are the survival, profits, and growth of an organization. Management must ensure business growth. Growth can be measured by sales, number of employees, products, capital investment, etc. If all of these show an upward trend, it can be concluded that the business is on track for growth.
What are the organizational objectives of management? Management is responsible for setting and achieving the objectives of the organization. It must achieve a variety of objectives in all areas while taking into account the interests of all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers and government. The organizational objectives of management refer to the main objectives required to meet the economic goals of the business organization. These include survival, profits, and growth.
The management of an organization is primarily responsible for setting objectives and directing its workforce to achieve them. When determining individual objectives, care must be taken that there is no conflict between organizational and individual objectives. Achieve maximum results with minimum effort: the general objective of every administration is to ensure maximum results with minimum effort and resources. Iii) Optimal use of resources: The objective of management is to use the various resources of the company in the most economical way.
In setting these objectives, management takes into account the benefit of all related parties (such as the owner, employee, customer, government, etc.) The higher the values set by management, while each subsequent level of management seeks to divide these objectives into achievable goals. It coordinates the activities of the different managers so that their joint efforts can achieve the company's objective. Developing or setting corporate objectives seems simple, but in practice it is a very difficult task. To achieve the goal of survival, management must ensure that sufficient revenues are earned and that the basic operating costs of the company are met.
The top management of successful companies defines the company's objectives so that management knows what the company represents and the goals it has to achieve. Based on the framework of corporate objectives, departmental policy manuals are developed that also define and clarify departmental functions to help achieve the company's corporate objectives. Objectives are those end points (goals) for whose achievement various activities in a company are aligned. In setting these objectives, management takes into account the benefits of all related parties (such as the owner, the employee, the customer, the government, etc.).
It should take into account the objective of obtaining benefits from a company by performing various functions. The basic objective of management should be to ensure maximum results with minimum effort through the efficient use of resources. Management objectives specify the goal that management is aiming for, while policies provide guidelines that help achieve that goal.